Our service people are happy to help you to select and order spare and wear parts. You can reach us conveniently by email at spareparts@printconcept-uv.de.
Important components such as UV lamps, reflectors and electronic ballasts are produced in-house. We keep common articles in stock, they can be shipped the same day until 12 noon.
UV lamps
We manufacture UV lamps ourselves within the Hönle Group. This guarantees the best quality and optimal adjustment to our UV systems. You will get a customized solution for your production.
- More than 50,000 tailor-made UV lamps per year
- Customer-specific spectrums with which you can develop new processes or optimize the existing ones
- High quality quartz with UV transmission of approx. 95 percent
- Upon request, special quartz glass to reduce by cutting short-wave UVC radiation
- Long lifetime
- Lamp length up to 3,000 mm
- Designed for 50 or 60 Hz
- Special conditions through call orders
In general, we supply UV systems with medium pressure lamps with Hg doping. These cover a wide range of wavelengths. In order to cover other, more precisely specified spectrums, we manufacture according to your wishes, e.g. lamps doped with iron or gallium.